MBK Uniondale Night at the Museum!
Uniondale School District's Knight-Time Jazz Band immerses themselves in the rich musical heritage of the DMV during their college tour, exploring cultural landmarks and participating in enriching master classes at Howard University and Towson University.
Mark John Dellosso, Mary Worrilow and Sharon Mosley with the winning trophies from the event.
Chika Akazi of Uniondale at Cicero-North Syracuse High School with her winning medal and sign.
UHS Jazz and Concert Band at NYSSMA Adjudications
Video of field opening
Dr. Estrella Olivares-Orellana speaking at the Haitian Flag Day Celebration
Juneteenth Celebration
March superintendents brief        Celebrating Women's History Month and International Women's Day March marks Women’s History Month, a time to honor the achievements and contributions of women around the world. This year, the theme is “Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion,” highlighting the trailblazers and equity warriors who have paved the way for others. Recognizing Leadership in Our School District Our school district is privileged to have five dynamic women serving on our Board of Education. These women are dedicated to supporting the children of our community, serving as role models for young girls who aspire to public service and leadership roles.
Chika Akazi of Uniondale at Ocean Breeze Athletic Complex
Dr. Estrella Olivares-Orellana holding citation at Somos 2024 conference
Kelly Clarkson on Stage
Uniondale Black History Celebration
black history month assembly
male mentoring collage
Spelling Bee
letter from the principal 110323
cancer awareness event banner
bridges program
Family Learning Together